Eggs are eggs, you might think. But that is pretty far from the truth. There are a lot of vague promises scurrying around in the egg industry. What is really best for the chickens and the world around us? It almost gives you chickenbumps just thinking about it.
It's time to do something about it. Crazy About Eggs only sells Bio Circular and Bio Fair eggs from real organic farmers in the Netherlands. With every egg you buy, you contribute to a better life for chickens and more circular farms. Crazy About Eggs is an initiative of The Customer Experience Agency. Let's all go crazy!

The promise: eggs from very free chickens.

Visual device with pay-off: very free chickens.

Delicious brand story (in Dutch).



Assortment: Bio Fair (in Dutch).

Assortment: Bio Circular (in Dutch). Of course, the packaging is also 100% biodegradable.

The website tells the whole story.
Agency: The Customer Experience Agency - strategy, copy: Huib Maaskant, Jeroen Janssen - art: Guido van der Mark.