BOB is the national don't drink and drive campaign in The Netherlands. The catchphrase: BOB, daar kun je mee thuis komen (BOB will take you home). But that is only true if BOB remains BOB all evening. That's why we came up with the BOBsled. You could earn the cool BOBsled by staying sober all night. After registering on, you received three text messages on your night out with a question to check if you are still thinking straight. If you answered all questions quickly and correctly, the BOBsled was for you!
Award: San Accent Non-profit.

Signing along the motorways.

Banners on the digital highway.

All comms refer to the promotional site where you could win the BOBsled.

Website walkthrough.

The are-you-still-sober-test via text messages.
Client: Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst - agency: Roorda - strategy: Hans Bauman - copy: Huib Maaskant - art: Erik Kruize - account: Judit de Graaff, Eveline de Meij, Thijs Schoemaker - film production: CZAR / Rogier van der Ploeg.