Investing in crypto can be quite confusing. One person says this, and another says that. Everyone is shouting and it all sounds like noise. Amdax brings calm and order to the chaos. With expert advice and robust digital tools, investing in crypto becomes manageable for (almost) everyone.
Unique style
A crystal-clear proposition calls for a campaign that stands apart from the competition. Inspired by surrealism, we collaborated with renowned illustrator Rhonald Blommestijn to create a series of unique visuals. Each image conveys, in its own distinct way, what makes Amdax so special.
Captivating animations
Animations bring the visuals to life across the website, social media, and DOOH. The sound design lets you truly experience Amdax's peace and quiet. A recognizable feature is the smooth transition from the text to the Amdax logo. Overview = Insight. Amdax, Serious investing in crypto.

Surrealist illustration style.

Outdoor advertising.

Application in print.

Overzicht = Inzicht (Overview = Insight).

Helderheid = Zekerheid (Clarity = Certainty).

Bewust beleggen = Koers kiezen (Knowing how to invest = Knowing where to go).

Meer weten = Beter beslissen (Knowing more = Better decisions).

Contact = Vertrouwen (Contact = Trust).

Digital out of home.

Social advertising.

Client: Amdax - agency: Floodland - concept, copy: Huib Maaskant - concept, art: Taco Zuidema - illustration: Rhonald Blommestijn - sound: Renger Koning - animation: vrhl.

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